Discover the heartwarming story of a man and a curious cat that crossed his path.

Dive into the enchanting tale of Goober, a cat who brought love, mystery, and unexpected friendship.

Book Goober the cat

Goober the cat

About the Book

Prepare for the heartwarming tale of "Goober, The Cat That Wasn't Mine," which unfolds the impact of unexpected connections and the deep bonds between humans and animals.

When Daniel welcomes a stray cat named Goober into his life, it sparks a journey of love and mystery. Goober's regular visits bring joy and intrigue to Daniel's life, revealing secrets from the past through the cat's ever-changing collars...

The Authour

Wagner is a creative professional with a degree in Advertising and a successful career in advertising. Currently, he works as a UX Designer.

He founded Vegan Jobs Ireland and hosts the Manada Podcast on YouTube.

Wagner's latest work is a compelling book that delves into the complex relationship between humans and animals, a sense of belonging, and the excitement of discovery and mystery.

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